Llama Trekking at Moose River Farm

Llama Trekking at Moose River Farm
Activities at MRF; Fall 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2016

It's Moose Bowl; MMXVI

     Good Evening,
    Mid-winter doldrums have officially set in despite the season's slow start at the end of last year.  This is typically, when I begin to pine for my warm weather life by posting poems, (Field of Green), (Dream in Shades of Summer), (By the Light of the Snow Moon), and other grateful sentiments that assist in counting the days until the great meltdown begins.  This year, I have decided not to wish winter away.  Instead, I've created a distraction by putting my video camera to task.  It has been capturing the spirit of competition between two adorable teams battling for the league championship.
     Who will be the winner of Moose Bowl, 2016?  Tune in and find out!


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